Haft Schroedinger Chess

Quantum Mechanics Inspired Chess Variant


Haft Schroedinger Chess is a chess variant with rules inspired by quantum mechanics. The concept was given to me by my friend David Haft (thatotherdavidguy@gmail.com). I in turn formalized the rule set and coded a proof of concept implementation as an exercise in recreational math.

This is not the first quantum mechanics inspired chess variant, nor the first to try and use the name ‘Schroedinger Chess’. However, ‘Haft Schroedinger Chess’, like traditional chess, is a combinatorial game, meaning it is both deterministic (no random chance at all) and has no hidden information. This differs from hidden information chess variants like Kevin Dittmar’s Schroedinger’s Chess and non-deterministic variants like Chris Cantwell’s Quantum Chess.

This project is effectively finished; the blog ‘posts’ are more articles outlining the game rules, discussing interesting consequences of those rules, and an explanation of the associated Github project.

Recent Releases

The proof of concept code base is hosted on Github.

Recent Development Updates

The Proof of Concept
Posted on 30 November 2017

This is the third in a series of posts detailing Haft Schroedinger Chess. In this post I briefly review the Proof of Concept Github project which demonstrates key concepts discussed in the other two articles.

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Constraint Satisfaction in Haft Schroedinger Chess
Posted on 29 November 2017

In the previous post, we established rules for Haft Schroedinger Chess, crucially rule five which defines what makes a move legal. However, we didn’t establish a practical way to verify if a move is legal based on that definition; it isn’t a constructive rule.

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Introduction to Haft Schroedinger Chess
Posted on 28 November 2017

Haft Schroedinger Chess is a chess variant with rules inspired by quantum mechanics. Like traditional chess, it is a combinatorial game, meaning it is both deterministic (no random chance at all) and has no hidden information. This post explains the rules and some of the resulting consequences to game play.

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