Just a project site for some of my hobby coding projects
German Minimal Pairs Practice is a basic React web app I developed to help me improve my German listening skills, using minimal pairs. The audio was provided by globeflitzer on Rhino Spike.
Fight your way through the tower, defeating first Bedsui's lieutenants and then him
The Thirty One Lieutenants of Sorcerer Bedsui is a Java roguelike, created as a prototype to show off novel, squad-based combat mechanics. Currently in a fully playable state. I am hoping to incorporate feedback into a more ambitious game in the future.
*Haft Schroedinger Chess* is a chess variant with rules inspired by quantum mechanics. Like traditional chess, it is a combinatorial game, meaning it is both deterministic (no random chance at all) and has no hidden information.
You awake, surrounded by occultists. 'We offer you our services, master'! And served they did - as food - but you're still hungry... This is my entry to the 2018 7DRL challenge.
I studied German in high school, and I studied German in college. I was a good student, and made a serious effort, but very little stuck. I cannot hold a basic German conversation to save my life.
You awake, surrounded by occultists. ‘We offer you our services, master’! And served they did - as food - but you’re still hungry…
This week I spent most of my development time just playing and enjoying my game, but I did get around to re-balancing Long Bows and Spells, the two bolt based attacks in the game. Having spent most of this year so far working out user interface issues, this is the first update this year to make changes to the actual game mechanics.
The dynamic sizing overhaul is finished! Now players can resize the screen freely, with the font size and widget layout adjusting themselves responsively.
This week I started an overhaul of the game’s windowing code to allow dynamic resizing. Hopefully I’ll fufill one of the requests made in my reddit Feedback Friday.